Monday, 20 April 2015

Native Cross-platform Drawing Window

Many times I find myself duplicating the same low-level window creation code snippets at the start of creating a standalone desktop graphical application, and too often have I had to look up platform specific API calls to do simple drawing operations. There has to be a better way!

Friday, 17 April 2015

Hackintosh Build

I finally had the chance to build my first Mac (Hackintosh)!

Here I'm posting my specs and the drivers I used to get my build to work in the hopes of saving someone some time in the future who might be using similar hardware.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Remote Taskbar

I own a Playbook and it's rotting on my table. A little while ago, my guilty conscience got to me, leading me to think about ways I could make use of my Playbook that I wouldn’t use any of my other devices for.

Tri Rose - Math Rose Generator

Here's a useless Android app I put on Google Play just for fun... Tri Rose, the original Math Rose app!

Mathematically generate unique and intricate rose graphs (rhodonea curves) and share them with your friends!

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Figuring out a Key Matrix (Scan Matrix)

Knowing how to figure out a key matrix is a simple and essential skill to those who salvage lost equipment for spare parts. I've written a guide over at Instructables to explain the technique I use to reverse a key matrix cable ribbon so I can re-purpose the keys for other projects.

Continue reading at Instructables >>

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

SMS Google Search

I live in a place where data plans are still extremely limited and overpriced. Over the years I've learned to make do with a basic phone plan which I mainly use to send text messages with. But there are times when I'm lost on the road and have no choice but to find a local coffee shop with WiFi just so I can Google an address or number. That is, until I had this idea – what if I could simply Google search with a text message?