If you have a digital camera with a dead battery that's too expensive to replace, here's how you can wire up an adapter to it so it can be powered from an outlet.
Materials required:
2 Popsicle sticks
1 Resistor
1 Adjustable Voltage Regulator
1 Female DC Jack
1 DC Adapter
Head over to the Instructable post I made to see a pictorial!
Another acoustic cover!
This tune was sung by various artists in a few languages, most notably:
鄧麗君 - 月亮代表我的心 (Teresa Teng - The Moon Represents My Heart)
夏川りみ - 永遠の月 (Rimi Natsukawa - Eien no Tuski)
This is a tutorial for adding a MIDI port to a keyboard without one, so that you can use to interface with various programs such as FL Studio, Ableton Live, Cubase, Garage Band, Pro Tools, and more.
This is a tutorial for installing Google's latest virtual reality app, Cardboard, onto a BlackBerry BB10 device.
The additional data file (OBB file) can be downloaded here:
(Message me if the link is down)
Also mentioned is an alternative to spending $30 on ordering a cardboard viewer, by salvaging an old ViewMaster toy.